RE/MAX Market News (22 cities; Vancouver - Chilliwack)
the Greater Vancouver market is strong in most of our lower mainland cities!
Use your market reports to get sharper prices and beat the odds! ***Special Offer - Click here*** The detailed market reports are now completed all 22 cities for detached and 11 attached for all the 332 sub areas so do request the current updates for your cities.
Disclaimer: Market predictions are exactly that: predictions. Market conditions are changing daily and you should consult with your local expert to confirm facts before making any decisions.
Podcast Interviews needed! , if you want more exposure as the local expert and generate referral business....
If you have news worthy information about new jobs, new money investments and market trends, or have good connections to mainland China.
PLEASE reply here and lets do a marketing interview! More Info
You can request an in office presentation for an overview of " How all the statistics can help you better understand the market projections and get more listings at sharper prices". more info